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Division: West
Home Team: Whitby 1
Away Team: Warrington 1
Date:06 Jun 2024
Time:07:30 pm

NomHome PlayerNomAway PlayerResultGames
 Dave Snape Peter Astbury037/11 1/11 3/11
 Paul Hemmings Pete Kelly039/11 6/11 8/11
 John Hamilton Robbie Blair3012/10 11/7 11/7
 Bruce Noble Pat Bevan036/11 7/11 6/11
 Jonny Felgate Lorraine Brady035/11 10/12 5/11

Report:Break time is over and summer league starts. Back at the Whitby for our famous Thursday nights.

Now summer league is about giving the up and comers a chance to earn some point but not for Warrington who decide to bring a stronger squad than we’ve ever faced.

Up first was Pete Astbury who before seeing him on court I thought was just a myth!! Nope he’s real. How do you play that good at squash when you look like you’ve just rolled out of bed??
Sorry Dave, Pete didn’t get the memo that you were trying to impress your lady friend and Dave knowing the Whitby rules absolute scarpered after his match. Very business as usual 3-0 for Pete.

Up next was Hembo and Mr Kelly. Best game of the evening with good rallies but Pete stayed in control and was able to see it out for a 3-0 win has to be said though Hembo gave a good account of himself.

On Next was Johnny v Traitor, Judas, Backstabber, turncoat, conspirator, serpent, she knows who she is, our very own Lorraine Brady playing for the enemy and playing very well for them too unfortunately. Very controlled display from Lorraine making Johnny work twice as hard for every point until he eventually ran out of steam giving her a comfortable 3-0 win.

Next on court was John v fresh of the plane Robbie. Battle of the 2 Scotsman. This is one of those matches were it’s the right time and right place to get someone on court and John made sure he capitalised on it. Robbie was still on his hols whilst John was fearing a demolishing so upped his game and delivered once again for his beloved Whitby taking the match 3-0.

Next on court (I say next but it was like an half an hour wait, punctuation doesn’t exist in Warrington) was Bruce v show up when I like Mr Beven. Full balcony watching this one and Bruce did himself proud with a solid display. Pat however remained in control at all times with some great squash of his own and made it 4-1 for Warrington.

Great start to the summer league, back the bar for drinks and pizza very well played Warrington as always pleasure having you’s.

Note: Lorraine is not an available option to select for the Warrington team match result is as follows:

Johnny Felgate 5:11 10:12 5:11 Lorraine Bradly
Author: John Hamilton

Away Report
Away Report: 

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