Division 5 South East: Results Summary 
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1Thu 26/09/24 19:00 City of Manchester 7Brooklands 520-05-0View
1Thu 26/09/24 19:00 Grove Park 8Macclesfield 415-83-2View
1Thu 26/09/24 19:00 Cheetham Hill 5Grove Park 79-142-3View
1Thu 26/09/24 19:00 Bowdon 5City of Manchester 618-64-1View
1Thu 03/10/24 19:00 City of Manchester 6Cheetham Hill 59-152-3View
1Thu 03/10/24 19:00 Grove Park 7Grove Park 820-05-0View
1Thu 03/10/24 19:00 Macclesfield 4City of Manchester 720-05-0View
1Thu 03/10/24 19:00 Brooklands 5The Northern 99-162-3View
1Thu 10/10/24 19:00 Macclesfield 4The Northern 920-25-0View
1Thu 10/10/24 19:00 City of Manchester 7Grove Park 716-103-2View
1Thu 10/10/24 19:00 Grove Park 8City of Manchester 66-171-4View
1Thu 10/10/24 19:00 Cheetham Hill 5Bowdon 514-103-2View
1Thu 17/10/24 19:00 Bowdon 5Grove Park 820-15-0View
1Thu 17/10/24 19:00 City of Manchester 6City of Manchester 715-93-2View
1Thu 17/10/24 19:00 Grove Park 7The Northern 97-162-3View
1Thu 17/10/24 19:00 Macclesfield 4Brooklands 520-15-0View
1Thu 24/10/24 19:00 Brooklands 5Grove Park 73-191-4View
1Thu 24/10/24 19:00 The Northern 9City of Manchester 614-83-2View
1Thu 24/10/24 19:00 City of Manchester 7Bowdon 59-162-3View
1Thu 24/10/24 19:00 Grove Park 8Cheetham Hill 57-171-4View
1Thu 07/11/24 19:00 Cheetham Hill 5City of Manchester 717-54-1View
1Thu 07/11/24 19:00 Bowdon 5The Northern 920-35-0View
1Thu 07/11/24 19:00 City of Manchester 6Brooklands 520-05-0View
1Thu 07/11/24 19:00 Grove Park 7Macclesfield 420-25-0View
1Thu 14/11/24 19:00 Macclesfield 4City of Manchester 620-05-0View
1Thu 14/11/24 19:00 Brooklands 5Bowdon 516-103-2View
1Thu 14/11/24 19:00 The Northern 9Cheetham Hill 510-171-4View
1Thu 14/11/24 19:00 City of Manchester 7Grove Park 80-02-3View
1Thu 21/11/24 19:00 Grove Park 8The Northern 90-00-0View
1Thu 21/11/24 19:00 Cheetham Hill 5Brooklands 50-00-0View
1Thu 21/11/24 19:00 Bowdon 5Macclesfield 40-00-0View
1Thu 21/11/24 19:00 City of Manchester 6Grove Park 70-00-0View
1Thu 28/11/24 19:00 Grove Park 7Bowdon 50-00-0View
1Thu 28/11/24 19:00 Cheetham Hill 5Macclesfield 40-00-0View
1Thu 28/11/24 19:00 Brooklands 5Grove Park 80-00-0View
1Thu 28/11/24 19:00 The Northern 9City of Manchester 70-00-0View
2Thu 05/12/24 19:00 Brooklands 5City of Manchester 70-00-0View
2Thu 05/12/24 19:00 Macclesfield 4Grove Park 80-00-0View
2Thu 05/12/24 19:00 Grove Park 7Cheetham Hill 50-00-0View
2Thu 05/12/24 19:00 City of Manchester 6Bowdon 50-00-0View
2Thu 12/12/24 19:00 Cheetham Hill 5City of Manchester 60-00-0View
2Thu 12/12/24 19:00 Grove Park 8Grove Park 70-00-0View
2Thu 12/12/24 19:00 City of Manchester 7Macclesfield 40-00-0View
2Thu 12/12/24 19:00 The Northern 9Brooklands 50-00-0View
2Thu 09/01/25 19:00 The Northern 9Macclesfield 40-00-0View
2Thu 09/01/25 19:00 Grove Park 7City of Manchester 70-00-0View
2Thu 09/01/25 19:00 City of Manchester 6Grove Park 80-00-0View
2Thu 09/01/25 19:00 Bowdon 5Cheetham Hill 50-00-0View
2Thu 16/01/25 19:00 Grove Park 8Bowdon 50-00-0View
2Thu 16/01/25 19:00 City of Manchester 7City of Manchester 60-00-0View
2Thu 16/01/25 19:00 The Northern 9Grove Park 70-00-0View
2Thu 16/01/25 19:00 Brooklands 5Macclesfield 40-00-0View
2Thu 23/01/25 19:00 Grove Park 7Brooklands 50-00-0View
2Thu 23/01/25 19:00 City of Manchester 6The Northern 90-00-0View
2Thu 23/01/25 19:00 Bowdon 5City of Manchester 70-00-0View
2Thu 23/01/25 19:00 Cheetham Hill 5Grove Park 80-00-0View
2Thu 30/01/25 19:00 City of Manchester 7Cheetham Hill 50-00-0View
2Thu 30/01/25 19:00 The Northern 9Bowdon 50-00-0View
2Thu 30/01/25 19:00 Brooklands 5City of Manchester 60-00-0View
2Thu 30/01/25 19:00 Macclesfield 4Grove Park 70-00-0View
2Thu 13/02/25 19:00 City of Manchester 6Macclesfield 40-00-0View
2Thu 13/02/25 19:00 Bowdon 5Brooklands 50-00-0View
2Thu 13/02/25 19:00 Cheetham Hill 5The Northern 90-00-0View
2Thu 13/02/25 19:00 Grove Park 8City of Manchester 70-00-0View
2Thu 20/02/25 19:00 The Northern 9Grove Park 80-00-0View
2Thu 20/02/25 19:00 Brooklands 5Cheetham Hill 50-00-0View
2Thu 20/02/25 19:00 Macclesfield 4Bowdon 50-00-0View
2Thu 20/02/25 19:00 Grove Park 7City of Manchester 60-00-0View
2Thu 27/02/25 19:00 Bowdon 5Grove Park 70-00-0View
2Thu 27/02/25 19:00 Macclesfield 4Cheetham Hill 50-00-0View
2Thu 27/02/25 19:00 Grove Park 8Brooklands 50-00-0View
2Thu 27/02/25 19:00 City of Manchester 7The Northern 90-00-0View
3Thu 06/03/25 19:00 City of Manchester 7Brooklands 50-00-0View
3Thu 06/03/25 19:00 Grove Park 8Macclesfield 40-00-0View
3Thu 06/03/25 19:00 Cheetham Hill 5Grove Park 70-00-0View
3Thu 06/03/25 19:00 Bowdon 5City of Manchester 60-00-0View
3Thu 13/03/25 19:00 City of Manchester 6Cheetham Hill 50-00-0View
3Thu 13/03/25 19:00 Grove Park 7Grove Park 80-00-0View
3Thu 13/03/25 19:00 Macclesfield 4City of Manchester 70-00-0View
3Thu 13/03/25 19:00 Brooklands 5The Northern 90-00-0View
3Thu 20/03/25 19:00 The Northern 9Macclesfield 40-00-0View
3Thu 20/03/25 19:00 City of Manchester 7Grove Park 70-00-0View
3Thu 20/03/25 19:00 Grove Park 8City of Manchester 60-00-0View
3Thu 20/03/25 19:00 Cheetham Hill 5Bowdon 50-00-0View
3Thu 27/03/25 19:00 Bowdon 5Grove Park 80-00-0View
3Thu 27/03/25 19:00 City of Manchester 6City of Manchester 70-00-0View
3Thu 27/03/25 19:00 Grove Park 7The Northern 90-00-0View
3Thu 27/03/25 19:00 Macclesfield 4Brooklands 50-00-0View
3Thu 03/04/25 19:00 Brooklands 5Grove Park 70-00-0View
3Thu 03/04/25 19:00 The Northern 9City of Manchester 60-00-0View
3Thu 03/04/25 19:00 City of Manchester 7Bowdon 50-00-0View
3Thu 03/04/25 19:00 Grove Park 8Cheetham Hill 50-00-0View
3Thu 10/04/25 19:00 Cheetham Hill 5City of Manchester 70-00-0View
3Thu 10/04/25 19:00 Bowdon 5The Northern 90-00-0View
3Thu 10/04/25 19:00 City of Manchester 6Brooklands 50-00-0View
3Thu 10/04/25 19:00 Grove Park 7Macclesfield 40-00-0View
3Thu 17/04/25 19:00 Macclesfield 4City of Manchester 60-00-0View
3Thu 17/04/25 19:00 Brooklands 5Bowdon 50-00-0View
3Thu 17/04/25 19:00 The Northern 9Cheetham Hill 50-00-0View
3Thu 17/04/25 19:00 City of Manchester 7Grove Park 80-00-0View
3Thu 24/04/25 19:00 Grove Park 8The Northern 90-00-0View
3Thu 24/04/25 19:00 Cheetham Hill 5Brooklands 50-00-0View
3Thu 24/04/25 19:00 Bowdon 5Macclesfield 40-00-0View
3Thu 24/04/25 19:00 City of Manchester 6Grove Park 70-00-0View
3Thu 01/05/25 19:00 Grove Park 7Bowdon 50-00-0View
3Thu 01/05/25 19:00 Macclesfield 4Cheetham Hill 50-00-0View
3Thu 01/05/25 19:00 Brooklands 5Grove Park 80-00-0View
3Thu 01/05/25 19:00 The Northern 9City of Manchester 70-00-0View