Division 4 Central South: Results Summary 
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1Thu 26/09/24 19:00 The Northern 7The Northern 817-64-1View
1Thu 26/09/24 19:00 Hyde 3Marple 24-181-4View
1Thu 26/09/24 19:00 New Mills Leisure 1Bowdon 418-84-1View
1Thu 26/09/24 19:00 Monton 3Macclesfield 35-191-4View
1Thu 26/09/24 19:00 Marple 3Hyde 21-200-5View
1Thu 03/10/24 19:00 The Northern 8Marple 318-94-1View
1Thu 03/10/24 19:00 Hyde 2Monton 319-44-1View
1Thu 03/10/24 19:00 Macclesfield 3Glossop 27-162-3View
1Thu 03/10/24 19:00 Bowdon 4Hyde 318-34-1View
1Thu 03/10/24 19:00 Marple 2The Northern 717-54-1View
1Thu 10/10/24 19:00 Marple 2The Northern 820-25-0View
1Thu 10/10/24 19:00 The Northern 7Bowdon 42-200-5View
1Thu 10/10/24 19:00 New Mills Leisure 1Macclesfield 319-44-1View
1Thu 10/10/24 19:00 Glossop 2Hyde 23-171-4View
1Thu 10/10/24 19:00 Monton 3Marple 318-83-2View
1Thu 17/10/24 19:00 The Northern 8Monton 317-44-1View
1Thu 17/10/24 19:00 Marple 3Glossop 20-03-2View
1Thu 17/10/24 19:00 Hyde 2New Mills Leisure 120-25-0View
1Thu 17/10/24 19:00 Macclesfield 3Hyde 320-05-0View
1Thu 17/10/24 19:00 Bowdon 4Marple 29-162-3View
1Thu 24/10/24 19:00 Bowdon 4The Northern 820-15-0View
1Thu 24/10/24 19:00 The Northern 7Macclesfield 320-55-0View
1Thu 24/10/24 19:00 Hyde 3Hyde 23-200-5View
1Thu 24/10/24 19:00 New Mills Leisure 1Marple 318-54-1View
1Thu 24/10/24 19:00 Glossop 2Monton 320-05-0View
1Thu 31/10/24 19:00 Monton 3New Mills Leisure 12-200-5View
1Thu 07/11/24 19:00 The Northern 8Glossop 217-93-2View
1Thu 07/11/24 19:00 Marple 3Hyde 316-83-2View
1Thu 07/11/24 19:00 Hyde 2The Northern 717-64-1View
1Thu 07/11/24 19:00 Macclesfield 3Marple 21-200-5View
1Thu 14/11/24 19:00 Bowdon 4Macclesfield 320-15-0View
1Thu 14/11/24 19:00 Marple 2Hyde 220-35-0View
1Thu 14/11/24 19:00 The Northern 7Marple 319-64-1View
1Thu 14/11/24 19:00 Hyde 3Monton 30-03-2View
1Thu 14/11/24 19:00 New Mills Leisure 1Glossop 220-15-0View
1Thu 21/11/24 19:00 The Northern 8New Mills Leisure 10-00-0View
1Thu 21/11/24 19:00 Glossop 2Hyde 30-00-0View
1Thu 21/11/24 19:00 Monton 3The Northern 70-00-0View
1Thu 21/11/24 19:00 Marple 3Marple 20-00-0View
1Thu 21/11/24 19:00 Hyde 2Bowdon 40-00-0View
1Thu 28/11/24 19:00 Macclesfield 3The Northern 80-00-0View
1Thu 28/11/24 19:00 Bowdon 4Marple 30-00-0View
1Thu 28/11/24 19:00 Marple 2Monton 30-00-0View
1Thu 28/11/24 19:00 The Northern 7Glossop 20-00-0View
1Thu 28/11/24 19:00 Hyde 3New Mills Leisure 10-00-0View
1Thu 05/12/24 19:00 The Northern 8Hyde 30-00-0View
1Thu 05/12/24 19:00 New Mills Leisure 1The Northern 70-00-0View
1Thu 05/12/24 19:00 Glossop 2Marple 20-00-0View
1Thu 05/12/24 19:00 Monton 3Bowdon 40-00-0View
1Thu 05/12/24 19:00 Hyde 2Macclesfield 30-00-0View
1Thu 12/12/24 19:00 Hyde 2The Northern 80-00-0View
1Thu 12/12/24 19:00 Macclesfield 3Marple 30-00-0View
1Thu 12/12/24 19:00 Bowdon 4Glossop 20-00-0View
1Thu 12/12/24 19:00 Marple 2New Mills Leisure 10-00-0View
1Thu 12/12/24 19:00 The Northern 7Hyde 30-00-0View
2Thu 09/01/25 19:00 The Northern 8The Northern 70-00-0View
2Thu 09/01/25 19:00 Marple 2Hyde 30-00-0View
2Thu 09/01/25 19:00 Bowdon 4New Mills Leisure 10-00-0View
2Thu 09/01/25 19:00 Macclesfield 3Monton 30-00-0View
2Thu 09/01/25 19:00 Hyde 2Marple 30-00-0View
2Thu 16/01/25 19:00 Marple 3The Northern 80-00-0View
2Thu 16/01/25 19:00 Monton 3Hyde 20-00-0View
2Thu 16/01/25 19:00 Glossop 2Macclesfield 30-00-0View
2Thu 16/01/25 19:00 Hyde 3Bowdon 40-00-0View
2Thu 16/01/25 19:00 The Northern 7Marple 20-00-0View
2Thu 23/01/25 19:00 The Northern 8Marple 20-00-0View
2Thu 23/01/25 19:00 Bowdon 4The Northern 70-00-0View
2Thu 23/01/25 19:00 Macclesfield 3New Mills Leisure 10-00-0View
2Thu 23/01/25 19:00 Hyde 2Glossop 20-00-0View
2Thu 23/01/25 19:00 Marple 3Monton 30-00-0View
2Thu 30/01/25 19:00 Monton 3The Northern 80-00-0View
2Thu 30/01/25 19:00 Glossop 2Marple 30-00-0View
2Thu 30/01/25 19:00 New Mills Leisure 1Hyde 20-00-0View
2Thu 30/01/25 19:00 Hyde 3Macclesfield 30-00-0View
2Thu 30/01/25 19:00 Marple 2Bowdon 40-00-0View
2Thu 06/02/25 19:00 Monton 3Hyde 30-00-0View
2Thu 13/02/25 19:00 The Northern 8Bowdon 40-00-0View
2Thu 13/02/25 19:00 Macclesfield 3The Northern 70-00-0View
2Thu 13/02/25 19:00 Hyde 2Hyde 30-00-0View
2Thu 13/02/25 19:00 Marple 3New Mills Leisure 10-00-0View
2Thu 13/02/25 19:00 Monton 3Glossop 20-00-0View
2Thu 20/02/25 19:00 Glossop 2The Northern 80-00-0View
2Thu 20/02/25 19:00 New Mills Leisure 1Monton 30-00-0View
2Thu 20/02/25 19:00 Hyde 3Marple 30-00-0View
2Thu 20/02/25 19:00 The Northern 7Hyde 20-00-0View
2Thu 20/02/25 19:00 Marple 2Macclesfield 30-00-0View
2Thu 27/02/25 19:00 Macclesfield 3Bowdon 40-00-0View
2Thu 27/02/25 19:00 Hyde 2Marple 20-00-0View
2Thu 27/02/25 19:00 Marple 3The Northern 70-00-0View
2Thu 27/02/25 19:00 Glossop 2New Mills Leisure 10-00-0View
2Thu 06/03/25 19:00 New Mills Leisure 1The Northern 80-00-0View
2Thu 06/03/25 19:00 Hyde 3Glossop 20-00-0View
2Thu 06/03/25 19:00 The Northern 7Monton 30-00-0View
2Thu 06/03/25 19:00 Marple 2Marple 30-00-0View
2Thu 06/03/25 19:00 Bowdon 4Hyde 20-00-0View
2Thu 13/03/25 19:00 The Northern 8Macclesfield 30-00-0View
2Thu 13/03/25 19:00 Marple 3Bowdon 40-00-0View
2Thu 13/03/25 19:00 Monton 3Marple 20-00-0View
2Thu 13/03/25 19:00 Glossop 2The Northern 70-00-0View
2Thu 13/03/25 19:00 New Mills Leisure 1Hyde 30-00-0View
2Thu 20/03/25 19:00 Hyde 3The Northern 80-00-0View
2Thu 20/03/25 19:00 The Northern 7New Mills Leisure 10-00-0View
2Thu 20/03/25 19:00 Marple 2Glossop 20-00-0View
2Thu 20/03/25 19:00 Bowdon 4Monton 30-00-0View
2Thu 20/03/25 19:00 Macclesfield 3Hyde 20-00-0View
2Thu 27/03/25 19:00 The Northern 8Hyde 20-00-0View
2Thu 27/03/25 19:00 Marple 3Macclesfield 30-00-0View
2Thu 27/03/25 19:00 Glossop 2Bowdon 40-00-0View
2Thu 27/03/25 19:00 Hyde 3The Northern 70-00-0View
2Thu 03/04/25 19:00 New Mills Leisure 1Marple 20-00-0View