Player Stats: Winter League 2022/23: Andy Ambler 

Selected competition stats:

29/09/2022Division 4 Central SouthMonton 3 v Grove Park 51Paul ShawLost 0-3
17/11/2022Division 4 Central SouthGrove Park 6 v Monton 35Steve HusdanLost 1-3
24/11/2022Division 4 Central SouthMonton 3 v The Northern 84Daniel TweddleWon 3-1
08/12/2022Division 4 Central SouthMonton 3 v City of Manchester 42Sebastian LongWon 3-1
19/01/2023Division 4 Central SouthGrove Park 5 v Monton 33James MortonLost 0-3
26/01/2023Division 4 Central SouthMonton 3 v The Northern 72Aled JonesLost 0-3
02/02/2023Division 4 Central SouthBowdon 4 v Monton 34Henrietta BellamyWon 3-1
09/03/2023Division 4 Central SouthBrooklands 3 v Monton 33Tim WrinchLost 0-3
16/03/2023Division 4 Central SouthMonton 3 v Grove Park 65Richard IsherwoodWon 3-0
23/03/2023Division 4 Central SouthThe Northern 8 v Monton 35Ceyon JeyarajahLost 2-3

Played: 10Won: 4Lost: 6Draw: 0

Squash Levels Overall

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