Report: | Although NB could only field 4 players they did their club proud. Up first
Andy vs Karl, a one way game from the start, no excuses, well done Karl.
Tom next. It was a game of two halves. Ivan pushed Tom to the limit, had game ball, only to fold at the winning line allowing Tom to nic nac the first game. At half time Ivan must have fallen asleep and gave Tom an easy second game. Second half, Ivan came out flying, got 9-7 up, only for Tom to pull out with some superb winners and leave Ivan Bamboozled and Game over.
John vs Mark, after a horror show last week John showed his mettle taking the match, with only a little hiccup in the second.
Shaun last on vs John, showed all his skills to take an easy win, but that said there was no pressure as the match had already been won. |